_Acceptance Method: The system function acceptance of a subjective hp HSTNN-OB0N battery evaluation method. Laptop battery acceptance according to five damage system in the subjective assessment of quality of color television images "GB7401 assessment, subjective evaluation should be not less than four. The image quality test objective and acceptance.If the definition, gray has been detected in the objective acceptance to meet the requirement, hp 484170-001 battery subjective evaluation of noise and a variety of interfering signals.

3) the overall function of acceptance, according to the system design, functional acceptance. Include the following: TV monitoring system monitoring the scope of the field devices of the laptop battery access rate and the rate of intact; opened uptime; matrix monitoring switch, remote control, programming, and the system tracking performance.Digital video monitoring and control system should also acceptance of the record of the host is down, hp 484170-001 battery image display and recording speed, image quality, the control functions of the front-end equipment, as well as the communication interface function, remote networking functions;

Retrieval of digital hard disk video surveillance system In addition to the detection of its record speed, 4) linkage function tests, acceptance of the linkage function of the TV monitoring system and other subsystems of the security system, laptop battery, including import and export management system, intrusion alarm systems, patrol system, parking management systems, Apple A1185 battery such as gang control functions.acceptance of the weak construction is weak project the final say, affect the weak project "finished" good or bad.

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