_Automatically identify the character's facial features,Dell U6256 Accu and through comparison to identify or verify the figures the identity of the database file. Such applications can be subdivided into "cooperation" and "non-cooperative" two categories."Collaborative" applications needs to be monitored by a period of time to stay in front of the camera, usually used in conjunction with the access control system."Non-cooperative" in the crowd, you can identify a specific individual,Dell U661H Accu such applications can play a significant role in the airports, railway stations, sports stadiums and other security scenarios.

Vehicle Identification (Vehicle Identification): identify vehicle characteristics such as shape, color, license plate number, and feedback to monitor. Such applications can be used in the scene of a stolen vehicle tracking. :When an object (such as boxes, parcels, vehicles, figures, etc.) in sensitive areas to stay too long, the laptop battery or exceeds a predefined length of Dell U725H Accu time an alarm. The typical application scenarios, including airports, train stations and subway stations.In addition to security-related class of applications, intelligent video can also be applied to which the application of some non-safety-related classes.

Number of statistics (People Counting):  Laptop battery for example, an owner of one day patronize the number of customers of his shop.Crowd control (Flow Control): identify the population as a whole movement characteristics, including speed, direction, and so to avoid the congestion, notebook battery or timely detection of abnormal situations. The typical scenario of laptop batteries, including supermarkets, railway stations and other staff gathering place.Character facial recognition (Facial Detection): identify a person's facial features, Dell UD088 Accu and through this information to determine the identity of the characters.

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